
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Alarming News Hidden Chinese Military Base with Alleged Missile Silos Found in Zambales, Philippines

Breaking Story: Hidden Chinese Military Base with Alleged Missile Silos Found in Zambales
by: Intel Guru
While many Filipinos knew of China's construction of military bases in six different reef areas inside the Philippines’ exclusive 200 mile economic zone in the West Philippines Sea, they are unaware that China has clandestinely build a "Deep Underground Military Base" in Zambales, the province nearest to Scarborough Shoal in the Philippines.

The base is believed to contain underground military silos capable of holding long-range missiles. An image taken from a military intelligence satellite captured an image of what seem to look like underground missile pods and two small buildings believed to be the entrance of the tunnel and an external observation building. What stirs analyst to think that these are military installations is the composition of the structure: It is fully made of concrete even its sloping roofs.

Gov. Amor Deloso of Zambales already cautioned that there allegedly is Chinese military presence in his province. He added that this 500-hectare area was allegedly sold to the Chinese by  a former Governor of Zambales (name withheld for verification).

"They sold it to the Chinese – three mountains that compose a 500 hectare island area where they have stationed their missile; that’s why an American warship has been keeping an eye on it since the ruling favorable to the Philippines by the arbitration court),” Deloso said.

There were previous reports saying that "three Chinese conglomerates namely, Jiangxi Rare Earth & Metals Tungsten Group, Wei-Wei Group, and Nihao Mineral Resources Inc. also operate in Sta.Cruz and have put up five “minahang bayan (small-scale mines)” through Filipino dummies.

The governor noted that Beijing has already established itself not only in Panatag/Scarborough Shoal (formerly Bajo de Masinloc) but also in the mountains and the mainland. The disputed island is 85 kilometers from Sta. Cruz municipality but only 65 km more or less from Masinloc.

It looks like China is dead serious in invading the Philippine. They already exploited our minerals and they don't want to let go of it.

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